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a story of passion

Feudo Del Balio Winery

The Feudo Del Balio Winery is a winemaking gem located in Sicily, where winemaking tradition blends with winemaking innovation. The production of excellent Sicilian organic wines, in a context where Passion, Sustainability and Expertise are the basis of everything.

a story of passion

Feudo Del Balio Winery

The Feudo Del Balio Winery is a winemaking gem located in Sicily, where winemaking tradition blends with winemaking innovation. The production of excellent Sicilian organic wines, in a context where Passion, Sustainability and Expertise are the basis of everything.

Wine Culture Mission

Tenute Terre del Vento

The Tenute Terre del Vento Agricultural Company is a young company from Trapani in the production of oil, wines and spirits. The land, entirely zero impact thanks to the use of renewable sources that comply with the BIO regulations, is located in Sicily in the PDO Valli Trapanesi territory, and extends for over 20 hectares. Here they produce olives (Cerasuola, Nocellara del Belice and Biancolilla), a wide variety of vines (Frappato, Nerello Mascalese, Pinot Grigio, Nero d’Avola, Carricante and Syrah) from which the Feudo Del Balio Wines are born strong>.

feudo del balio

"The Landscape may change.."

a story of friendship

Feudo del Balio

On any afternoon of a torrid summer day, an old friend of yours from university days takes you for a ride around the countryside of the Sicilian hinterland and at a certain point he stops and says to you “admire, look how beautiful it is here, if we don’t buy it together I’ll buy it alone…”, . And you understand that you find yourself at a crossroads: ruin the friendship with a phrase like “truly jo viu sulu runze and babbaluci” or you accept, instinctively, because in that instant you have already seen beyond that wild vegetation and you imagine that beauty can be created in that place. It would be simplistic, however, to trace the birth of our company to this episode which, incidentally, does not have its roots in the agricultural traditions of Sicily, in fact, quite the opposite. This company is the story of two boys in their early twenties who walk on an anonymous and sunny afternoon at the end of September between the columns of the cloister of the Teatini convent and the church of San Giuseppe dei Falegnami, Giuseppe as the name given to the protagonists of this story. Yes, we are talking about the historic law faculty of Palermo and two young students who hold under their arms, together with their law books, dreams and hopes typical of all twenty-year-olds: changing the course of things, changing institutions from within. These dreams, however, when dreamed in the harsh land of Sicily often turn into an obsession: to change, to improve the fate of the tormented homeland. And when dusk begins to fall over the four corners, the conversations about dreams and hopes always ended with: “cumpare, but what degree and degree, a zappari a terra ninni emu a ghiri”. And then nothing, you turn the corner, follow your passion for law, your love for the law and you realize that thirty years have passed, you start a family and find yourself in line waiting for your friend to leave school. son who, ironically, is a classmate of the son of your namesake academic walking buddy. From then on the step was short: the slopes transform and you find yourself walking among the rows of our vineyards… because, after all, “The climate can be overcome, the landscape can be modified, the memory of bad governments is erased . I am sure that the Sicilians will want to improve”

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