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environmental sustainability

Feudo Del Balio Winery

Environmental sustainability has become a priority in many industries, including the wine industry. The growing attention to the environment has pushed wineries to reconsider their practices and seek more ecological and responsible solutions for wine production. Feudo Del Balio has embraced this philosophy, committing itself to sustainability in all phases of production, from cultivation to bottling of its wines.

environmental sustainability

Feudo Del Balio Winery

Environmental sustainability has become a priority in many industries, including the wine industry. The growing attention to the environment has pushed wineries to reconsider their practices and seek more ecological and responsible solutions for wine production. Feudo Del Balio has embraced this philosophy, committing itself to sustainability in all phases of production, from cultivation to bottling of its wines.

Sustainable Cultivation

Tenute Terre del Vento

Sustainability begins in the vineyards of the Tenute Terre del Vento farm, located in one of the most prized wine regions in Italy, the Trapani area in Sicily. Here, the agricultural approach is based on environmental responsibility. The winery uses organic farming practices, limiting the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. This not only preserves local biodiversity, but also produces high-quality grapes that reflect the area’s unique terroir.

Another key element of sustainable cultivation is controlled irrigation. The Feudo Del Balio winery uses drip irrigation systems and advanced sensors to monitor soil humidity. This approach helps conserve water resources and avoid waste.

Respect for Nature

The Feudo Del Balio winery does not limit itself to growing grapes in a sustainable way but also promotes respect for nature throughout its production process. The winery has invested in solar energy production to power its facilities and reduce its environmental impact. Furthermore, it has implemented recycling and waste reduction programs to minimize the use of plastic and promote the use of recyclable materials.

feudo del balio

Sicilian Natural Wines

Responsible Winemaking

Feudo del Balio

Sustainability also extends to winemaking at the Feudo Del Balio winery. Here, winemaking practices are geared towards reducing environmental impact to a minimum. The use of indigenous yeasts, for example, eliminates the need for additional chemicals. Furthermore, the winery has invested in energy-efficient cooling technologies to control the temperature during fermentation.

Ecological bottling

Bottling wines is also a critical step in sustainable production. The Feudo Del Balio winery uses lightweight bottles that require less glass and therefore less energy for production and transportation. Furthermore, it has successfully introduced the use of natural corks or recyclable synthetic corks, thus reducing the use of non-biodegradable plastic corks.

Certifications and Continuous Commitment

The Feudo Del Balio winery is committed to sustainability in a tangible and measurable way. It has obtained various certifications, including the “Organic Agriculture” brand and the “Environmental Quality Mark”. These awards attest to its commitment to the environment and the quality of its products.

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